Get to know Sienna Chocolate Lab!
My Personality: Warm
Party Theme: Pet | My ID Number: 1-282
Sienna’s warm heart is open to everyone. There’s no need to impress or entertain, Sienna is happy just being together, and is great with comfortable silence that feels cozy and safe. Before you know it, you might end up taking a relaxing midday nap with this buddy by your side.
Sienna Chocolate Lab is a plush toy with a rich brown coat and adoring, shiny black eyes. She has soft, floppy ears and a gentle expression, giving her an approachable and comforting presence.
I'm easy, just a nice day with the Pals that matter most is what I look forward to on a daily basis! A friendly gathering makes me feel all warm and cozy on the inside.
Best Pal:
Freckles™: Together, Sienna and Freckles enjoy a perfect balance: while Freckles organizes and arranges, Sienna provides a calming and supportive presence. They love spending time together in a tidy space, with Freckles setting everything just right and Sienna making sure the atmosphere stays warm and cozy.